Wisteria..... to tame the savage beast
Yes we've all heard the nightmares, yet this plant can be controlled with as little as 2 prunings per year. Just like a bad kid, this tough guy cries out for attention and if it doesn't get it.....well we know the troubles of Wisteria. Before starting, there's a few things you have to know, Wisteria is very hard to kill by improper pruning, so if you make a major faux pas your plant will forgive you by sending up new shoots. Even the suckers can be trained to form a new vine.If you're not very experienced with pruning this is the best plant I know to make a lot of mistakes on, after all this plant grows like it's on steroids so as I say "don't sweat da small stuff". Your foray into the world of pruning starts after the plant has flowered. What you want to do first is look at the vines with new eyes and from different directions if possible. Determine the direction you want it to grow and establish what shoots you want to be the boss, this usually is the thickest shoots, the main framework of the plant. Now get your clippers in hand and get in there and start thinning out a lot of stuff especially if your plant is old and overgrown. You want to leave a proportionate number of new shoots about 6 inches long on the vine[s] 'cause this is where you'll get blooms in the Spring. When you got this guy lookin thin and naked that's when you're finished part one of the taming of the Wisteria. Part two is my favorite part and it should be done at this time of year. Again you'll see your wisteria is rather unruly, but it's easier to see what you're doing 'cause the plant is naked and the framework is exposed. Get your trusty clippers and cut those long shoots that have grown since the summer, pruning down to 3-5 buds. Now your plant is ready to do it's best, to put on a show. With out all that vegetative growth the plant will put more energy into flower production and "that's what it's all about".
thanks for visiting my blog, oh I love the dirt too, I am always ranting on about how marvellous horse manure is, except for the mess it leaves in the car of course but who cares! recently I dug away down at the back of the muck heap and got out stuff which is better quality than you can get at the garden centre, full of nettle roots of course but I can cope with them.
i always thought Wisteria was Daredevils arch enemy. thanks for the knowledge.
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