I got a frantic phone message from a friend concerned that all her Daffodils were up and we're gonna get 8" to 12" of snow this weekend and all her work she did planting them last October was gonna be for naught. I e-mailed her and told her to read this here Blog......
Daffodils and other "true bulbs" are some tuff-darn plants. Some where I have some pictures of my Daffodils blooming in 3" of snow. If I find them I'll post. If it snows the snow will act as an insulation. The real thing to worry about at this time of year is the air temp and especially the wind chill. Wind chill temps can be hard on newly emerging plants especially new blooms. Heavy frosts can also turn those beautiful yellow flowers brown. Bulbs are a "forget about it" plant. I add more and more daffodil bulbs to my flower beds every autumn and hope by the following spring I've forgotten where I planted them. Then I get pleasantly surprised when they come up in some of the most unlikely of places. I find that if I plant them a little deeper than the recommended 2x the height of the bulb and bunch them closer together they bloom a week or so later and they look naturalized. Bulbs are one of the great gifts here in zone6-zone7 they do very well, and are so darn easy to take care of. Plant them to deep or shallow they seem to do well just put a little compost in the planting hole when you plant them and "forget about it"
i can't wait to see your weekend post with a foot of snow around you.
that is the blog i was telling you about. check it out.
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