Thursday 02-02-06
Yes you can germinate canna seeds. Planting the tubers is easier, but the seeds are cheaper,easier to store and send through the mail. The super hard coating needs to be scarified. I rub each seed on 100 grit sand paper until a tiny speck of white shows through. Don't sand the whole seed just concentrate on one area until you see white. Take the sanded seeds and space them on a wet, white paper towel. Roll the paper towel into a tube. Put the rolled up paper towel into a sandwich baggie, then put the whole works on a window sill and check it every other day. The sanded hole lets the moisture in which expands and cracks the hard outer shell. Once the seeds begin to germinate plant them in good potting soil just barely covering the seeds. Keep the soil fairly wet for the first couple of days then water as needed until they're ready to be planted in the ground.
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